de Barnes

Local Businesses
The Residents' Association can take no responsibility for the performance of these trades people, but we would like to support local enterprises.
Pub: The Boat Inn 222 Hampton Lane 0121 705 0474
Restaurant: Longfellows English Restaurant 255 Hampton Lane 0121 705 0547
NISA 259/261 Hampton Lane 0121 705 6135
J Read Enterprises Ltd, a property maintenance services company https://jre.org.uk/
Photographers http://tonydrewphotography.co.uk/
Virtual PA Solutions https://www.virtualpa.solutions/
Whiskey Rocks! https://whiskyetc.com/
Head Start Tuition http://www.headstartprivatetuition.co.uk/
West Midlands Fire and Security https://wmsecurityandfire.co.uk/
Incentives Plus www.incentivesplus.co.uk/
The Hamptons Boutique Pet Hotel www.thehamptonspethotel.co.uk/
Shine Bright Windows Contact Steve - 07817416562 / 02476 723340
Surgins Medical Equipment http://surgins.co.uk/
Florence and Burt Eco Party Supplies www.florenceandburt.co.uk/
The Slimey Unicorn https://www.theslimeyunicorn.co.uk/
Host children's slime, Cosmetic and craft parties. Based in Catherine de Barnes but do travel far and wide!
Catney Chorus For more information contact Fay on 07766154730 or fayb81@gmail.com
Catney Chorus are a small and friendly choir who meet on Monday evenings at Catherine de Barnes Village Hall from 8-9pm.
Lead by Director and Professional Vocalist, Fay Bromley. First session is completely free of charge.
Crafty Business https://www.facebook.com/1248913135211624/posts
Parks and son builders http://www.parksandson.co.uk/
The specialist probate solicitors https://www.probate-solicitors.co.uk/
Wedding Day Beauford, wedding cars http://www.weddingdaybeauford.co.uk/
Bridal and Prom Bar Above Salon 5, 5 Station Approach, Dorridge B93 8JA